Helping small and medium-sized companies to grow in Northern Finland
Nordic Option is a reliable and responsible development partner for companies already on the path to growth. Our venture fund operates as an LLC, and we focus our investments on growing small and medium-sized companies located in Northern Finland. Our criteria for investing are verified growth and significant growth prospects.
In our partnerships we take advantage of the substantial networks we have built, our previous experience from growing companies, and the processes and tools we have developed along the way.
We provide companies with good prospects for growth and vouch to also give support throughout possible hardships. Our partnerships are built on transparency and mutual trust, which nurtures growth and expansion.
Nordic Option Oy ownership is genuinely in Northern Finland.
Nordic Option is owned by 29 companies, communities and municipalities in the area.
Largest owners:
- Arvo Sijoitusosuuskunta 34,23 %
- Oulu ICT Sijoitus Oy (Partnera) 34,23 %
- The City of Oulu 18,48 %
- Municipality of Kempele 1,46 %
- Keskinäinen vakuutusyhtiö Kaleva 1,46 %
- Nordea Pankki Oyj 1,46 %
- Rest of the owners combined 8,8 %

Offering comprehensive growth
Nordic Option enables comprehensive growth in Northern Finland. We have participated in Kasvu Open and Polar Bear Pitching and are partnered with Business Oulu. We also invest small-scale in companies in their infancy. We provide long-term growth for companies throughout their development paths.

The story of Nordic Option begins in the early 90’s, when Finnvera and municipalities in Northern Finland founded a venture capital called Teknoventure Oy. In its first years Teknoventure made investments in companies in their early stages, whereas later on the focus has been more on growth state companies.
In 2014 Finnvera Oyj relinquished its majority stake by selling its shares to private investors Arvo Sijoituskunta and Oulu ICT Sijoitus Oy, the latter of which is owned by Partnera Oyj. The change in ownership also saw the fund change from public to private.
Board of directors & team
The CEO of Nordic Option is Jaakko Lampela, (M.Sc. in accounting and finance). Serving as its Investment Director is Teemu Puumalainen, (M.Sc. in accounting and finance).
The board of directors makes its investment decisions based on the proposals of the CEO and Investment Director. The members of the board have broad experience from investing and entrepreneurship. Additionally, when needed, Nordic Option can use its extensive network of advisors.

Jari is the CEO of Arvo Sijoitusosuuskunta. He has over 30 years of experience from corporate finance and restructuring.

Kati is currently acting as the Investment Director of Arvo Sijoitusosuuskunta. Previously she has served as the CEO of Arvo Sijoitusosuuskunta for 5 years. Additionally, Kati serves as the CEO of Arvo Invest Nordic Oy and is a member of the board for numerous other entities. She has approximately 17 years of experience from finance and investing.

Juha has lengthy experience from executive positions in international electronics industry. Currently Juha is serving as the Director of Economic Development at BusinessOulu.